Hello everyone,
I wanted to ask you few questions regarding ouster_ros/os1_cloud_node and ouster_ros_img_node topic.
Recording this topic should be helpful to retrieve all point clouds (and so their depth) in each recorded frame.
I am recording it using ros and so my result is a rosbag file. How can I now retrieve these values ?
Here is what I tried :
+ convert the bagfile it to pcd to get table of all ranges, but how can I access this pcd in a usable format (like csv)
+ record range_image directly to have an image of the depth but the resulted image is 8byte each pixel so each value pixel does not represent the actual depth... is there a mapping formula from these values to the actual depth ?
+ I saw that pcap can be converted to a csv but how can I get pcpa from my bag file ?
I am doing this in order to extract images of each frame (just like range images) but where each pixel would represent the actual depth of that pixel, and was hoping to generate it myself given the table of depth....
If it is not possible, then is there a way to retrieve the actual depth from the 8 byte range image in the img_node topic ?
PS : I am looking for a solution dealing with python and API's not third party software as I have hundreds of thousands frames that I want to extract and so need to automatize the process...
Thank you very much.