Good afternoon @roya,
that's a good question!
The Ouster lidar sensor is not automatically configured with a static IP. All HTTP commands listed here can be found in sensor documentation and user guides
Setting a static IP on your Ouster sensor
- Connect to your sensor over one of its other addresses – IPv4 link-local, IPv6, an address given from a DHCP server, or its hostname. Let’s call this address x.x.x.x/24, assuming it’s on the /24 subnet.
- Use the PUT system/network/ipv4/override command to give your sensor a new static IP address. The curl command to assign a static IP of y.y.y.y to your sensor currently at x.x.x.x/24 is curl -i -X PUT http://x.x.x.x/api/v1/system/network/ipv4/override -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '"y.y.y.y/24"'(For more interfacing option including Python requests and HTTPIE, check out the entire HTTP API found in our sensor documentation and user guides
- Now your sensor can be found at y.y.y.y on the /24 or subnet. Note that your computer must be on the same subnet to reach the sensor at the y.y.y.y address.
Removing a static IP on your Ouster sensor
Done with static IP? You can remove it through an HTTP command or by resetting the sensor configuration. Note that you must be on the same subnet at the sensor in order for either of the two methods to work.
- Use the DELETE system/network/ipv4/override to remove the sensor’s static IP address. The curl command to delete the static IP of y.y.y.y of the sensor is curl -i -X DELETE http://y.y.y.y/api/v1/system/network/ipv4/override.
- If you can navigate to your sensor homepage at y.y.y.y in your browser, the top right button to Reset Configuration will remove the static IP.
Hope it helps!
Best regards,
Sviatoslav Pavlov