I am attempting to interface my Ouster OS1-64 with a Xsens MTi-670 GNSS/INS device using this guide. I am using a BAUD rate of 115200 and configured the IMU to send GPRMC messages as UART output. When using get_time_info, I see that my sync_pulse_in signal is being received as it is locked on 1. Unfortunately the NMEA signal is not being received as it is locked on 0 and I have not been able to get it to change despite switching from ACTIVE_HIGH to ACTIVE_LOW, changing the BAUD rate to 9600 and setting nmea_ignore_valid_char to 1. It might also be worth noting that I wirelessly connect to my Ouster Lidar using a router, and the router is currently not connected to internet. Has anyone else encountered this issue and if so, how would I go about solving it? Here is the current message I receive from get_time_info:
{"timestamp": {"time": 1657807302.599413, "mode": "TIME_FROM_SYNC_PULSE_IN", "time_options": {"ptp_1588": 4520, "sync_pulse_in": 1657807301, "internal_osc": 4511}}, "sync_pulse_in": {"locked": 1, "polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "diagnostics": {"last_period_nsec": 0, "count": 4042, "count_unfiltered": 3511}}, "multipurpose_io": {"mode": "INPUT_NMEA_UART", "sync_pulse_out": {"polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "frequency_hz": 1, "angle_deg": 360, "pulse_width_ms": 10}, "nmea": {"locked": 0, "polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "ignore_valid_char": 0, "baud_rate": "BAUD_115200", "leap_seconds": 37, "diagnostics": {"decoding": {"utc_decoded_count": 299585, "date_decoded_count": 297481, "not_valid_count": 3373, "last_read_message": "GPRMC,140104.60,A,5907.517997,N,01123.339963,E,0.072,,140722,4.51,E,D*24"}, "io_checks": {"start_char_count": 300101, "char_count": 23359951, "bit_count": 75676448, "bit_count_unfiltered": 75676447}}}}}